OUR ERASMUS PROJECTS - Lycée Professionnel Clément Ader Bernay


, par Didier Hochet - Format PDF Enregistrer au format PDF

LOL CAT consists in enabling students in their two final year of Nbtec to do their last work placement in European companies . It will be a period of 4 weeks
For the staff , it will be a jobshadowing to transfer pedagogical practicals , assessment , skills, competences and inclusive school in Romania, Teaching mobility in Greace and training course about web tools in education
We have 2 other europeans section (electronic and retail)
We had experience of mobilities since 2012 in Jersey, since 2016 in England but we want develop the european part of tne school project.These pupils and teachers mobilities will be very important for the school project and for the axes of the Académique project We choosed Irlande,Spain,Greace, Romania, Portugal and Hungary our european network
We build this project for all students who would like to do a mobilities. It will be for 4 weeks in companies , and we added a studying mobility for student to develop the skills and knowledges
This project will be manage during 2 years with the managemen calendar.
One of the axe of the project is to encourage mobilities in our school for the pupils and staffs, indeed our school is located in a rural area where the mobilities is not fundamental.
We hope :
increase the number of mobilities of the pupils
permit to the young a better and easier professionnal integration
developp professionnal and language skills
encourage the mobilities

Entitled « ENVIE », our project aims at providing mobility opportunities for professionals within the Formation and Education Area (BEF) of Le Neubourg Pont Audemer. Deeply rooted with the academic projet, which is specifically dedicated to international links, it is complementary with adult training programs provided locally.

The ENVIE project will allow teachers and administrators of the BEF to plan observation periods in nine European countries, with experienced partners in European projects. (Romania, Turkey (Konya-Istambul), Hungary, Greece, Slovénia,Portugal,Spain, Norway,United Kingdom, Italy, Finland)

The main goals of ENVIE is to increase professional and linguistic knowledge, to raise the quality of teaching and mostly to develop new pedagogic partnerships both within the schools of our area and with foreign actors.

Participating in a mobility program will allow teachers and administrators to build new programs for the pupils and to interact with European partners more easily.

Broadening our horizons and discovering other ways to teach will be a powerful tool to encourage the mobility and curiosity of our pupils. We strong believe it is the best possible way to widen our array of action towards out students.

Entitled « MADE », our project aims at providing mobility opportunities for professionals (deputy head teacher for workshop) from the Academy . This consortium is a group of 6 differents schools, 2 high vocationnal schools, 3 high technical and vocationnal schools, and a specific school CMQ( qualifications and jobs campus) connected with one of the school. It will be a jobshadowing experience to discover the equivalent job in 3 others countries for the moment. Deeply rooted with the academic projet, which is specifically dedicated to international links, it is complementary with adult training programs provided locally.
Those jobshadowing will take place in 3 differents countries : Hungary, Norway, and Portugal

The main goals of MADE is to increase professional and linguistic knowledge, to raise the quality of teaching and mostly to develop new pedagogic partnerships both within the schools of our area and with foreign actors.

Participating in a mobility program will allow teachers and administrators to build new programs for the pupils and to interact with European partners more easily.

Broadening our horizons and discovering other ways to teach will be a powerful tool to encourage the mobility and curiosity of our pupils. We strong believe it is the best possible way to widen our array of action towards out students.

KYKME : https://didierhochet.wixsite.com/kykme
The project ,, Knowing you Knowing me » is a partnership between five schools from France- coordinator, Romania, Hungary, UK, and Turkey- partners.
This project emerged from the common needs of students and teachers from partner schools to address the issue of violence in schools, reduce absenteeism and dropout.
On the other hand after the needs analysis, there was a institutional need motivating students to develop Key Competences, in accordance with the implementation of Europe 2020 Strategy and special English language.
In this context, partner schools found religion as a common theme of interest to attract students to school and participation in project activities, motivating learning of English for communication between partners.
Our Partnership aims to develop knowledge among young people and educational staff about the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value.
We intend to improve English as working language, and develop issues like songs, dances, customs (festivals) and traditions in an interesting approach. We want to know more and give the opportunity our students to acquire the basic life-skills and competences necessary to their personal development. As we know, some pupils are at risk and have different interests, so, we want to give them more opportunities and reach their interests developing the feeling of tolerance and cooperation with others with a ITC aproach (blog, e-mail, videoconference, movies edition,…).
Through this project students will become in contact with different countries, cultures and ways of life. They will realise that despite the differences, all European citizens are similar.
In other way, we want to give to teachers, new oportunities for develop their skills and competences to a training course about Intercultural Education, three seminars concerning Good Practices in School Management, pedagogical issues concerning Children With Disability and to promote activities for Develop critical thinking for students.
All the stages of the project will take place at the same time in the partner countries and there will be project meetings in each partner’s country to present all the works : E-Dictionary, Turist guide, and Intellectual outputs curricula ,,Intercultural Education for a inclusive school » and E-book with a collection of stories, illustrations about most important holidays and festivals, traditional song and dances ,,Blooming Flowers in Festivals ».
Students will get together and present songs, dances, play sports and take part to courses about Icon Painting- Greece and marble Art- Turkey. Using modem communication technology and digital equipment (computer, laptop, camera, video camera etc.) will allow every student to get fully involved in the project work. The participants intend to integrate methods of creative writing into language teaching, both in foreign languages as in the mother tongue.
We hope to explore the European dimension with our partners, making the experience real for our students and teachers, promoting intercultural dialogue among partner schools, encourage their curiosity and openness to different cultures and languages and lifestyle. We hope to gain our students respect and tolerance to other cultures. There is a need to promote an awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe.
We strongly believe that by this project students and teachers will be much more motivated to learn foreign languages and other cultures. Our project will make a practical contribution to make our schools more attractive for students and parents and to reduce violence and school dropout.
To realize this project it will be important that students, teachers, school administrators and parents share their opinions and thoughts.
In a world full of violence and terrorism, this project has the message for the young generation, for students, teachers and parents and a urge to tolerance, for friendship, understanding, respect and kindness and a message : ,, Knowing You Knowing Me »for a better world !

Better Electro World : http://www.betterelectroworld.com/

The main reason for this project is the need to make more efficient the educative methodologies and techniques through the exchange of ideas and good practices.
This proposal comes after finding that we have a lot of common needs, problems and reasons for participating in an European partnership :

– The number of students starting to study in VET programmes is decreasing. Consequently, we have a deficit of technical and vocational workers in the labour market. We want to put a stop to this trend and turn it around.
– The old electrician profile is changing to an innovative worker, involved in new technics focused to minimum electric consumption, energy savings and friendly environment technologies. Schools should be pioneers, instead than go lagging behind the new trends that future workers will find in the labour market. Sharing technical innovations that arise in different places of Europe means a mutual learning and enrichment.

– In order to gain new (especially young and women) VET students/workers, the quality and attractiveness of VET should by all means be increased. This is an EU/national priority and also strategy of all the partners’ organizations. International projects, mobility and VET promotion are good ways to increase interest, especially among the young and women.

There is a general problem in the student population surrounding a tangible lack of initiative. This has been compounded by the current economic situation. We are impacted by the economic crisis and its effects on every sector. The main adverse effect for the

Vocational Education Training sector is the high rate of unemployment, especially in young people.
Whether the current situation is an excuse for the apathy of many students regarding their employability and professional future or not, this lack of initiative has led to a situation where many students across Europe sit waiting for a call from a job instead of using their initiative to make a living.

There are passive students with no proactivity, but also talented and bright, proactive students with a lack of competence. There are entrepreneurial teachers, and others, with a lack of competence, specific methodology and teaching materials for entrepreneurship. Learners lack opportunity to present innovative ideas and restricted finance presents additional barriers

T-ELECTRO (Teach to learn better electro-world ) project’s objetives are :

– Improve « Learning by Doing and Teaching » methodology to educate and train good quality trainees/workers with an international knowledge, skills and competence base, relevant to working life. That will increase their employability not only in the national but also in the EU labour market. In addition, this will set up the frame for their lifelong learning.
 Improve the quality of VET programmes by harmonizing the Electrics and Electronics curriculum with the labour market needs and also with other EU countries by transferring/integrating good practices. Creating a VET network is the right answer to address that need.
 Create a set of strategies and educational tools from which a model for entrepreneurship can be constituted and integrated to regular curricula in order to achieve entrepreneurial students.
– Promote the entrepreneurial spirit in students to use « Learning by doing and teaching methodology ». We will develop curriculum which will stimulate creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit. Measures include the development of specific lessons, incorporating actions on entrepreneurship transversally into different subjects of the regular curriculum. The model for entrepreneurship will work across curricula as a subject in its own right.
– Learn and work together with other EU colleagues. This will give them an opportunity to learn from each other, to be creative, to identify innovative approaches and good practice and transfer them to their everyday activities.
Improve their foreign language, intercultural and social competences by international cooperation, real-world experience (mobility, meetings) using the “learning-by-doing” method.
 Our formal intellectual outcome will be a « BOOK » named « Learn-Do-Teach » that collects a set strategies addressed during the project.The book will have these sections : definitions of objectives,competences, evaluation criteria, and implementing guidelines. This publication will also collect practical experiences from great partner teachers from 6 different countries.

The way forward will depend on each partner and educational system, curriculum, etc.
Partners are from every corner of Europe. We have agreed the distribution of tasks and all partners accept individual and group responsibilities. At the same time all partners are aware of importance of working in a team, and are committed to the project and its goals and responsible for the success of the whole project.

The target groups are Electricity students and teachers of all partners.

mars 2025 :

Rien pour ce mois

février 2025 | avril 2025

Police pour dyslexie ?
Interlignage double ?