OUR COURSES - Lycée Professionnel Clément Ader Bernay


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Our courses

Clément Ader High School :

Has a 120 student capacity for its boarding school, and is open from Monday to Saturday

Is situated on 7 acres of land and 25,000 m2 of building space

The pedagogical restaurant is opened to the public on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, as well as in the evening on Tuesdays and Fridays with menus from 12 €

Our ULIS section encourages the integration of handicapped students

One special class 3 Prepa Pro, similar to the last year in the college but with professionnal subject

Formations Industrielles/ Industrial Courses

Bac Pro 3 ans Systèmes Numériques Professional Baccalaureat, Digital Systems

Bac Pro 3 ans Technicien d’Usinage Professional Baccalaureat, Factory Technician

Bac Pro 3 ans Technicien en Chaudronnerie Industrielle Professional Baccalaureat, Industrial Boiler-making

Hôtellerie - Restauration / Catering and cooking

CAP Cuisine Cuisine Diploma

CAP Hotellerie Restaurant commerce Diploma

CAP Agent polyvalent de restauration Diploma

Bac Pro 3 ans Cuisine Professional Baccalaureat, 3 years, Cuisine

Bac Pro 3 ans Commercialisation et Service en Restauration Professional Baccalaureat, 3 years, Marketing and Restaurant Service

Commerce-Vente-Gestion administrative / Retail ad Administration

CAP Employé de Commerce Multi Spécialités Commercial Employee Diploma, Mulit-Speciality

CAP Employé de Vente Spécialisé Specialised Sales Employee Diploma

Bac Pro 3 ans Commerce Commercial Professional Baccalaureat, 3 years

Bac Pro 3 ans Gestion administration Management and Administration, Professional Baccalaureat, 3 years

mars 2025 :

Rien pour ce mois

février 2025 | avril 2025

Police pour dyslexie ?
Interlignage double ?