ROBOTING AND CODING - Lycée Professionnel Clément Ader Bernay


, par Didier Hochet - Format PDF Enregistrer au format PDF

Partenaires :
Portugal : Almada
Slovénie : Celje
Grèce : Patras
Turquie : Antalya
Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Navarro Portugal

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Le développement technologique le plus en vue au 21éme siècle est la robotique les appllications et l’intelligence articficielle.
Se former entre pairs et en échangeant de bonnes pratiques ce projet nouss permettra de consolider nos formations sur la thématique.

One of the popular development areas of technology in the next century, the interest in robotic technology is increasing day byday in our countries. Within this framework, the spectrum of robotics technologies is increasing. One of these areas is undoubtedly education. The competence of the staff in teaching robotic technologies is the most important deficiency in this field. The introduction, teaching and development of this technology to our students will be possible through the training of qualified and experienced teachers who have gained competence in this field. To eliminate the lack of knowledge and awareness of the teachers of our schools in this field, one of the primary fields of study of the next century is to learn the robotic technologies and coding which is one of the working areas in the foreground. While developing the skills by adapting ourselves to the new learning areas as institutions, maintaining the balance between the need for change and our past values, developing the skills of teachers and students in the field of intercultural education and encouraging the development of awareness for different cultures are the basic principles we have adopted in the of Europeanization. Taking the principle of equal use of opportunities, it is important for our students to realize that they are individuals who can express themselves and know what they want in contemporary conditions such as their European peers.
In this sense, it is expected that the teachers working in the schools of our partners should be aware of the current education practices, adopt the process of Europeanization, recognize the education system in Europe and compare them with their education systems and obtain positive learning outcomes for themselves and be the role models that can use technology effectively for their students. Our project will contribute significantly to the future strategic development of our institutions, to be able to use technological activities effectively in education processes, to have education personnel who include technology to
educational processes and to share their experiences as guiding the other education personnel and institutions in their countries through this project.
Our project consists of 5 LTT activities. In each of the LTT activities, the teachers of our partner institutions will work on
different applications (Lego Ev3, Scratch, Mblok, Arduino, Mobile apss) and on coding with sets. As a result of these studies, technical-digital skills development, analysis and data collection for 80% of the participants ; 80% is expected to develop
language skills, 100% will have critical thinking and active citizenship levels, and 70% will develop analytical and research skills. Teachers will integrate the outcomes of these studies into their curriculum. They will also set an example for other
schools, institutions and stakeholders with local activities. Local studies are as follows ;
Creating an e-platform, creating an effective innovative teaching e-tool to be called RANDC, testing and implementing it in the field of open education.
Coding tools book in education : A coding book will be created with the information obtained as a result of the project experiences.
With the Coding Days Event, parents will have quality time with their children, family-child interaction will increase and they will turn into digital producers from digital consumers. RANDC mobile app : The mobile application, which will include all activities to be carried out within the scope of our project, will be prepared with our partners. Coding games : With the participation of the students in all our partner schools, the games will be designed and the e-platform will be shared.
As a result of our studies, the expected effect in the short term is that we use innovative method techniques and prepare course materials while transferring our course contents and achievements to our students on our return to our schools through the strong learning outcomes that we have gained from these trainings, and we are expected to contribute positively to our learning ease and diversity of our students. Using the traditional methods of teaching robot technologies, leaving the teaching through boring presentation, will make it easier for us to make effective teaching by exploring the talents of learning by doing, learning by experiencing, having fun with learning, problem solving and critical thinking skills.
The long-term effect is,which is expected after the successful completion of our project and with our partners that our institutions are to gain a respectable identity as an exemplary school in the light of our activities in the field of robotic
technologies and the experiences we have gained.

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