LOVE MY CITY - Lycée Professionnel Clément Ader Bernay

LOVE MY CITY Erasmus plus Projet de partenariat enseignement scolaire KA 229

, par Didier Hochet - Format PDF Enregistrer au format PDF

Partenaires : La Norvège Sandefjord, La Roumanie : Bacau, La Turquie : Konya, L’Autriche Vienne, Le Danemark : Helsinger, France : Bernay
Scoala Gimnaziala "Dr. Alexandru Safran" Romania
mehmet nuri küçükköylü imam hatip ortaokulu Turkey
GRg6, Rahlgasse Austria
Sandefjord videregående skole Norway
Nordstjerneskolen Denmark

Facebook :

Ce projet de partenariat J’AIME MA VILLE va offrir aux élèves, aux personnels de nos établissements la chance d’apprendre tous ensemble et d’échanger sur des pratiques pédagogiques
les nouvelles technologies dans la vie de tous les jours
la nourriture daine et le bien être
les religions et les croyances
se déplacer en toute sécurité
l’inclusion des jeunes à besoins spécifiques dans la vie en ville
la protection de l’environnement et l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables.

The project ,,LOVE MY CITY" reunites 6 schools from France- coordinator, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Turkey and Romania partners.
Our project motto is Alvin Toffler message : "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be the one who cannot read or write, but the one who cannot
learn, deviate and revive. Those who can do this are tomorrow’s leaders.”
This partnership offers students and teachers in our schools the chance to learn together and exchange examples of good practice about the use
of new technologies in community life, about healthy eating and well-being, about religion and beliefs as defining elements for social competence,
about traffic safety, the inclusion of students with special needs in city life and the protection of the environment and the use of renewable
Our project resulted from the application of a SWOT needs analysis in each partner school and aims to train students and teachers the skills and
competences for 21 cc and prepare students for better life in their cities.
The past few weeks have shown us how important is to use technology in education, to give students a chance to be connected with school and
teachers in crisis corona time and normal time in life and how important is connection with people all Europe to find a common solution for this
As a result, the students and teachers participating in our project will acquire computer and digital literacy. This implies analysis, approach,
management, integration, evaluation and creation of information in different environments, in a context of cultural literacy by promoting local
values in an international context.
The GENERAL OBJECTIVES of the project are to develop 21 century skills and digital literacy skills for students and teachers, to prepare the
students and teachers to become active, competitive and involved members of the community of the cities in which they belong.
The project is planned to have 24 months duration. There are planned 6 LTTA, 3 for students (4 students and 2 teachers from each school- 4
days) and 3 LTTA for teachers (2 teachers from each school- 5 days).
1st LTT France, October 2020 ( 2 teachers per country ) : Smart city - the new technology in my city life
2nd LTT Austria, December 2020 ( 2 teachers and 4 students) : Transport in my city
3rd LTT Turkey, April 2021 ( 2 teachers and 4 students) : Religion and faith in my city
4th LTT Norway, December 2021 ( 2 teachers per country) : Life of people with special needs in my city
5th LTT Romania, April 2022 ( 2 teachers and 4 students) : Healthy food and well being in my city
6th LTT Denmark, May 2022 (( 2 teachers ) : Renew and Green energy in my city.
The total number of direct and indirect beneficiaries is more than 2500 students, teachers and parents.
The final product will be the E-book ,,Digi competences for life" will provide for teachers and students from our schools and for another schools
interested, example of good practice and tutorials who will teach them how to organize online lessons and digital activities with students in school
or from their homes.
Tangible results of our common work are : online lesson plans ; tutorials about ICT tools ; scale models as examples of using alternative energy ;
multimedia posters ; about social issues (terrorism, refugees, wars), healthy lifestyles ; newsletters ; logo ; calendar ; promotional materials ; project’s
Web site ; E- book of the project ,,Digi competences for life" ; articles published in the media.
Impact :
This partnership is expected to have impact at students, teachers, parents and community level and to broaden school curriculum focusing on the
development of 21 cc skills and the integration of European methods and approaches in the education.
The partnership will establish a successful beginning of a long-term cooperation and an international network between teachers from this 6
schools their professional and personal development.
The active and collaborative learning represents the base of the methodology used in implementing the project.
This partnership is expected to have a wide impact at all levels and to broaden school curriculum focusing on the development of transversal and
soft skills and the integration of European methods and approaches in the education process.
The partnership will establish a successful beginning of a long-term cooperation and an international network between teachers and students
across Europe that will undoubtedly stimulate their professional and personal development.
The project’s European dimension will have a positive impact on the atmosphere from all partner institutions. The international cooperation will
increase the sense of my city identity and of belonging to a united European multi-cultural family.
At the end of the project students, teachers and parents, the main beneficiaries, will be able to proudly exclaim, Love my city, Love my country,
love Europe, the family for all of us !


mars 2025 :

Rien pour ce mois

février 2025 | avril 2025

Police pour dyslexie ?
Interlignage double ?